Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Search for Meaning: Part One

If it is possible to mean something with the words that we use, if it is possible for language to have meaning, and to hold it, what then is the source of meaning? If language is built upon the foundation of meaning, what then is the bedrock upon which meaning is situated? Or are we to believe that it is, so to speak, "turtles all the way down"?

There are those who would advocate a sort of infinite regress in language. After all, "meaning" is a word, just like any other word. To search for a meaning of "meaning" that exists outside of language might not be logically possible. Words get their meanings from other words; to look for a single "origin" of meaning is absolutely impossible. Words only mean what they mean because of the total language they find themselves in. This is, roughly, the "structuralist" position regarding meaning and language, as was first given shape by linguistic pioneer Ferdinand de Saussure.

But although this question is apparently only a linguistic concern, it has much broader philosophical implications. Effectively, structuralism amounts to a transcendental nihilism, a denial not only of meaning in the world, but of meaning itself, effectively charging meaning itself with meaninglessness. But, if meaning itself were truly meaningless, surely that wouldn't mean a damn thing.

Meaning is not meaningless. There is meaning, both in the world and in the words we use. Where does it come from, and where does it go? This is perhaps the most elusive question we can ask. Like Orpheus trying to lead his beloved Eurydice out of the underworld, if we glance back at her too soon, we shall lose her forever. It is this way with meaning: it is always closest to hand, yet if we reach out to touch it, it slips away and our hands "grasp
nothing save the yielding air".


Anonymous said...

Last night I was talking to you and then you father spoke too. He said the only way you will love me is if he helps me sell my art work. He said that you needed to know how important I was. After you were telling me how much you loved me. It wouldn't end. And you kept giving me orgasms. Sometimes I think I'm insane and others I don't. But seriously sometimes I forget what it's like to be with you. It's like the feeling of electric eels. You send a current in my body and help me use it the way it's supposed to be used. I hate feeling that way bc it makes me crazy. I feel crazy. .

Anonymous said...

You should check if I'm crazy but your dad told me to smell. He said he was eating pita bread with Bolgna and cheese. And some popcorn.