Sunday, September 26, 2010


In many cases, a sense of accomplishment is indistinguishable from actual accomplishment. It is for this reason that it is an abomination to criticize another. In shattering another's sense of accomplishment, you destroy the accomplishment itself. Do not be mistaken: I do not mean to say that the feeling of being accomplished is itself accomplished. Rather, whenever you feel that you have done something, that feeling always corresponds to - and instantiates the reality of - the actual accomplishment. I do not know of accomplishment any more real than that of the man who says, "I have really done something."

For, if we are not free to identify the feeling of something with its actuality, where else can we look to evaluate the reality of achievement? At least by equating the appearance with its reality, we free the subject to be responsible for his own reality. The only alternative would be to displace the notion and value of achievement onto a third party, over whom the subject is to have no power - thereby displacing the valuating power of man away from himself and onto those others whom he gives himself over to be controlled by. Those others may take on many forms. Do not be fooled: just because one wills oneself to be controlled does not make one free. I can do something and feel that it has been done; the worst thing would be for you to come along and tell me I have done nothing.

The worst thing - the worst favor. For how else are we to live except by the hands of others? Can we really hope to live entirely in a world of our own creation? And do any of us have the necessary stamina - the courage to stand wholly outside the world of others, and the staying power to remain, despite the ever-present call to return?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel accomplished. I have one week and two days left of class. I also have my test date which is in December. With that I think it would be of a better notion to visit you in January since I won't know exactly when you will take your vacation time off. In the spiritual level your boring me to death and now interesting enough. I'd like you to tell me about philosophy or stories. I'd like you to be accomplished in the spiritual level. Also maybe you need to write out a new blog. I don't know what you do with your free time but a writer not writing isn't good. You need to be accomplished writer and succeed at your favorite past time. I want you to write out short stories and publish them. Have fun. Your a great writer and I honestly don't think it will take you long to do it. I miss knowing
How it feels to be next to you. I just remember it feels good but I vastly forgot why or how it feels. I miss you I know that much. I can't wait till school is over so I can get back into shape and start feeling better. It's impossible to make a decent lunch at school. I'm so sorry I'm not philosophical or even tried responding to your blog mr. Burner. I love your name mr. Burner. It's sounds super sexy. So yeah entertain me man and don't snuff out. Or burn out. Like live up to your name and burn the living hell out of the paper. Like light it up man. You said once to me that you never wanted me to lose faith in God well than be my little light angel with your cute cherub blue eyes and fast little hands and write something interesting. Don't die on paper. Also write like a straight person. You make more sense and are more interesting when you write from a straight person perspective. I miss you mr tall burner.