And it is this way even before society has determined what madness is; for homo sapiens is both naturally social and evolutionarily socially-aware. What is this evolved sense of social awareness? What it is aware of is not always clear (that is to say, what it attunes itself to and how it is affected by this attunement). However, its presence is evident always and it is felt most keenly in this thing called empathy. It seems that our specially (species-ally) social-egregious nature has developed the literal-physical capacity to in-feel (em-pathos), which is the capacity to feel myself exactly what it is that you feel. It was and remains best for our species that we each have this capacity to share our emotional experiences with one another, and be confident that they have been shared accurately.
But what of madness and culture? What we seek are the roots of civilization, since it is civilization wherein our own roots lie. And though it would seem that culture is the expression of a civilization, that civilization predates culture, the truth is precisely the opposite.
There is a pre-civil culture that has been imprinted upon the genetic makeup of every human being. And we are approaching it again, returning back to a more basic humanity.
And so, civilization, as the civilizing of mankind, as the domestication of homo sapiens by itself, as the human counterpoint to the ecological process of evolution, as the attempt for mankind to provide its own impetus for the improvement and progression of the species... and so, this great experiment called civilization has thus far achieved nothing, precisely.
It is my hope that civilization has thus negated itself such that it may come to know itself better and thereby proceed toward the creation of a truly human civilization, where humanity itself (as the humanness of humans) is neither demonized nor deified, but rather cherished and, more frequently, cautioned.
Some of my blogs are really ambling.
This one starts with the question of moderation in terms of madness versus sanity, proceeds to question the nature of madness as it relates to society and genetics, then addresses the evolutionary role of empathy, then considers the relation of madness to culture and civilization, and what the nature of culture is and whether there is a culture inscribed in our DNA, then pronounces a judgment upon what civilization is, what it was supposed to do, and what it has done, while closing with a hope as to what civilization will look like in the future.
I hope you enjoy navigating through this torrent of ideas.
Look what society did. What culture did this, i cant even find words to express this video. What it, nonparelil to anyone i care about in the atosphere.
White foxes susanne sundfor.
Explicit content.imagine your dick dont work ummm this video could have done it to all white males and females. I feel yhe pain and its numbing. It was done in 2012 the video. Imagine many duded dicks dont work. So tell her off with me. I dont know what sick mind wrote this. I found it while looking for royksopp songs. At first i thought it was royksopp who wrote it then i found out i was wrong. Remeber our favorite band together. You know i miss you like a lot. We gotta wish all out society culture and know it all unitary semblence out of this horrible band. Shes hitting people who use firefox. Maybe shes an act of terrorism.
That woman in the video looks like alex cousin in england. I didnt see the surgeons face. But basically they removed someone brain. They took the memory, hearing, speech, emotion,vision, intelligenc, reasoning,telling right from left, language, sensation reading. Ok im reading a map of the brain. The video is so sick. Now i know why i was screaming for a long time. I found the video attached to a royksopp list. So im like really grossed o
Im wrong it dont look like alex cousin. It looks like avaril lavigne. Avaril lavigne looks like this indian that supposedly isnt an indian next door using my first kiss in high school eyes. He has avaril lavigne eyes. She has brown eyes and so does the parents. Her name is i $V %A /n ×a r%e%n&g$i#f#o.
I found this video too. It looks like you and me. And the guy whos embalming is also in another video.
This video is sick too. It from my girl.
It looks like a picture of my dad again being embalmed
What if i am marilyn monroe and a na zi has us trapped in the room.
Jesus left caprnum and left to nazareth. Heres the link about nazareth. I dont know why but i think naz i come from nazareth.
I dont know why but i also saw videos of africans becoming na zis. Ok like you said theyre different races. So now im gonna research nazareth to find out if theyre anti christian in which direction. I cant believe they would be it but then i do. Bc christian keep doing obecene things running from egypt. Theyre egypts inferior race the jews.
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