To have is to have; it is to hold, that is, to take hold of with a gesture of grasping. To hold is to grasp, to grasp to take hold, and to take hold to make a claim for ownership.
To have is to have; it is to own, and all owning is an extending of one's power, that is to say, the extension (expansion) of one's own being.
To have is to have; it is to make something one's own; to own, to make something one's own, that is to say, to bring it within oneself. When one possesses a farm, it is not ever through inheritance; such is legal possession, but it is not true having.
That which one has, has one; that which you own, owns you; to have a farm means to be responsible for it, and for it to become responsible for you. True ownership transforms the owner.
I drove my friend to the train station bc shes finally leaving after staying a week. I got to smile a lot this morning bc i drove past the first apartment you had. It made me smile bc i just remember how sweet you were to me and how bashful i was. It was nice driving through memory lane.
Today marks two months since i quit smoking. Who cares.
I looked up marilyn monroes food and naiomi cambells. Naiomi cambells has like 300 calories a day and marilyn monroe eats like 500. So if i want to be a size 4 im gonna have to eat 300 to 400 calories a day. I had oatmeal this morning at starbucks and had four cups of coffee at home. I inspected your fotos and the foto someone took of you. I dont really know if its you but i checked the ear today and it has the same ear. So your like a lot skinnier now than before. Who cares.
Back to being size 4. Yeah if i quit smoking im gonna be a size 4. Its weird i used to think i was skinny before but i really wasnt. The amalleat ive ever been is a size 10 but ive never really dieted before. Im gonna diet now. Who cares.
Who cares about anything but how much i miss smiling driving down the road.
I checked the scale ive gained about 40 lbs since i quit smoking. I dont really eat more its just that you burn like 300 calories by smoking a day and i dont smoke anymore. I keep getting acid reflux on my right side of my cheat and it burn. And i also have a lot of inflamtion on my rib cage. Im in pain every other day. Its weird how much smoking masks or rather numbs you. So im glad.
I researched how to grow the brain. It says you can. So im gonna follow rules to grow grey matter in my brain. Have to eat certain things and do certain things. When i talk to you i think my brain grows bc you stimulate me and i dont know how. But all my senses like wake up.
I really proud of you for going to the university. I read about it on your lukus facebook. Its weird bc about a week into seeing your profile it went down and yiu closed it down.
Im really proud of you like a whole lot. Yelling at the rooftops.
Had a dream about you last night i dont remember what it was about.
I was smirking this morning bc i remember the day you had a pink shirt on and we went in the car and drove to some gas station and i took my head out the window and you drove kinda fast. It was a fun time. Lol.
Also please pray for me. Your prayers always get answered. Pray nkce thungs for me. Please. I really like irregular choice shoes. Maybe yiu can pray that i get many shoes one day. Im super jealpus of this girl she has like e00 heels. Then i found out shes a stripper. Lol.
Also i have bad news. Remembee i told you about my vision about a snake and how it hissed at me. And it turned out there was no snake but i saw it in the corner of my eye. Then the next day someone almost killed me.
Well today is second day that i see a snake looking at me. Its white with black eyes. I did write to this guy with white skin and bkack eyes but he never wrote back to me. And he has no contact with me where he coukd hurt me. Im really scared bc a snake means someone betrayal and fall from grace.
Also i hear like a rattle snake for like the past week or more. Nothing bad happened except for my friend and i sorta argued and i also found out that shes been a heavy meth drug user for about a year. So sad. But i still dont think the snake visions are about that. Im scared. I hope nothing really bad happens to me im been oraying to jesus to protect me everyday and requesting others to pray. I dont know anyone pale with black eyes. So i dont know.
Maybe the snake symbolises that guy. He proposed to me once on hallloween. But honestly snakes mean betrayal. I get visions from my sweedish side of my family. Its a gift. I hate having visions. Its super scary. Please jesus protect me from all things that are bad. Amen.
Oh the coolest information i found out. I found out that the religion marilyn monroe was following believes in reincarnation. I looked her up bc i was curious what size she was. Everyone says 14 but its a lie its actually size 4 and it makes more sense with how little shw ats. Shw didnt stay believing in that religion bc she cahnged religion at the end to be J E w esh oh and that religio. She followed also believed in jesus and like doing witchcraft. I was really creeped out. I even read one of the books by the founder that night. It was 300 pages long and bunches of bullshit like nothing interesting. They also talk about contacting spirits etc. When i opened the book online thats when i saw the snake. Maybe the snake is a symbolism of the evil in those books by that writer that created Anthroposophy.anyways i also rewd like through other books by the writer and i didnt find any of it amusing. Its no wonder she went insane. All the nut bag streching your brain to do weird shit.
Maybe the snake means this bc im quitting smoking. The internet saya a snake has postive conotation Dreaded by many, a snake is a symbol of rebirth, shrewdness, patience, intellect, fertility, longevity, vigilance, eternity, protection, rejuvenation, intuition, enigma, and splendor. A ground-dwelling animal, it suggests you stay grounded despite any changing situation in your life.
It hasnt attacked me it just keeps rattling its tale. It almost sounds like some mechanical noise. To be honeat it just makes me feel like im walking on egg shells everyday. I hate it
Please pray for me kelly. Please pray. Im terrified.
All my favorite bands are having concerts this summer. One of the bands is the misfits__punk rock. The other band is the stray cats. Also the stray cats came out with new music. My best friend from high school took me to one of their concerts back then. It was so much fun bc she got me frotn row.
Ive been singing motorhead all morning. I met the singer once at a bar. He died not to long ago and the bar now has many monuments to him.
I just found put who the snake looks like. It looks like my friends husband. I dont talk to my friend anymore but hes on my facebook and he post picturea of his kids. I dont know how he could do me any harm since he lives in another state. Pretty weird. Im almost certain the snake looks like him. His eyes and flesh color.
I cant get myself to eat 500 calories. Ive been eating bout a 1000 at this rate i will never loose weight.but its amazing i still will not smoke a cigarette.
Im so proud of myself.
I noticed that inone of the pictures you have your wearing a band sweatshirt. I thought it was a fancy brand not a band. I looked into one of the songs. And its says not to be afraid of the reaper anx ive always been bc i know many jerks that worship the grim reaper and probably pray to it to fuck withe me. Sounds funny but its true. Its called la santisima muerte.
The band is called sever your ties. I thought it was a funny song. Made me laugh.
This morning i watched the devinci code. I couldnt stop laughing. Tom hacks was in the film and so was amelie actress. I just couldnt stop laughing. I just kept seeing him say life is like a box of chocolates.
Moving on. Sometimes i hate not having a gas car but then i see the gas prices and i get a big relief. The gas is sooooo expensive. Whats pissing me off is this. When i was a kid my dad made as much as a doctor. The wages for a doctor havs doubled now. But my dads job pay rate hasnt gone up in all these years. Yet all the other prices did. Even teachers salaries went up.
When i was a kid yoi could buy a nice jouse for 40k to 100k now theyre like half a million yet they havent raised my dads job title pay rate. Like what the fuck. Are they like abusing all the kids in the IT world. Theyre like gonna be in rags.
So i wish people would protest and stop contributing to society and like tell them off some how. Like they have to raise the pay. Minimum wage went up. Gas went up. Food went up. Evedything did.
By inflation level the houses near my parents should be like 200,000 but theyre not. Theyre like half a million ir more.
So even if they raised my dads pay it still wouldnt be as sweet as it was in the old days. In the old days the pay would be doubled of my dads with 200,000 dollar houses. They have some new houses at that price but theyre all the way in riverside county and some go to 300k so i really hats china and other countries right now. Basically they have many china man and indian men and mexican man working these jobs. So the free market assholes say fuck you america. I dont care about you or how much money yiu need to raise a family.
On another note. Sice i quit smoking my whole body is mkre sensative. And i noticed that a surgery that i had done a long time ago still hurts bc the surgeon didnt do a good job and my skin is like conatantly pinching me subsequently i think its making me age so i need to go back and beg them to do a new surgery im my armpit.
Ive been looking at the cost of living in different areas. In massachusettes housing is really low if you buy a vinatage house. It would be like a 500 dollar morgage. And they even have all the adavnce commodities that california has to offer. Only difference is you would have a heavy heating bill. I also saw the hojses in your state and land and houses are cheap. I did comparisons to europe and they too are really cheap. For a 3 bedroom it coat about 400 dollars in irelans. I also noticed that there welfare is better over there. Supposedly you can be on it forever. And they guve you enough money for food and rent. In america they ahve two different programs and its really hard to ger section 8 housing. Like yiu could be on a waiting list for like 5 years or more. But basically if you make not enough aa the average higheat paid citizens in your area they will lay for most of your rent. You just pay 30 perecent of your pay. They even have a program that gives yout he down payment for a house. And once you have this coucher you can yake it anywhere in the united states and uss it..the only county that has a list in california is riverside county.
Also for foox welfare you can only get it up to 5 years.
Basically i really think the european union and the uk is way better off than we are. Like how the heck is minimum wage alots you 1700 a month but rent is like 2000. In europe that wouldnt happen. I think its weird when our socity heavily relies on convience. Fhaf musf mean a lot of americans are on section 8. I think for a unit peraon of one if you make like 48,000 or less you can sign up for it or maybe it waa 50,000. Also they said they will pay 75,000 dollars of the down payment of your house but no more. .
Since im annonymous it doesnt mattsr right. Likd it really doesnt matter. But today i masterbated for the first time in a very long time and i enjoyed it. Like i dont think ive ever enjoyed doing this. Maybe i enjoyed it bc i quit smoking and my body is more sensative. I also noticed i got butterflies in my stomach and i never got those bc of smoking. So im like super happy. Like seriously the last time.i felt butterflies in my stomach i must of been like 17 turning 18 or like 18 about to turn 19. Im so happy i quit smoking. My acne has gone away im just waiting for my flesh to repair itself.
Sometimes i really think most of california are drug dealers. I always try to think about how do they all havs big car with gas a big house. Especially when theyre not educated and working like some random job. I never know whats going on. Someone said they end up qorking like 80 or more houra a week etc. Also there are way too many houses that are super expesnove like in the suburbs not even rich neighborhoods and house scost like 1.2 mil or 900k. Like how does anyone pay. Then they have like areas in diamond bar where houses cost like 15millipn and up. Like what is california just a vacation resort for like the richest in the country. All the drug dealers must live out here.
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