Sunday, October 3, 2010


In every period of history, more progress in thought has been made by a single honest idiot than by all the articulate geniuses combined.


Marilyn Magaletta said...

Im getting put of victorian gothic styled funiture. Im really over my agressive teenager angst. I got rid of my vanity and im getting rid of my canopy bed especially after finding out stalkers like copying me. Like there are mini mes with the same bed type. Im gonna go into italian romance like early 1930's. I just picked the most beutiful bed and im going to sell 90 rings to come up with the 2000 dollars. Its the most beutiful thing ive ever seen. Im going to spify up my room at my parents. Im so over all the dark ages. Im tired of wood too. Im going to get a medal bed with olives and blue birds. Its really cute.

Marilyn Magaletta said...

With grapes and blue birds. *

Anonymous said...

I moved back with my parents. I wqsnt invited to the new apartment. He wont break up with me over the phone but he said he would apeak to me. Hw told me to work on my nail degree and kinda laughed a bit. Ummm i think ita over betwewn ua and i cant be upset bc im anxious to see you and hopefull you love me a lot more qhen your wealthier than him. He got a big raise. Im gonna go look for you when it official. I loved you aince the first day i knew you. I dont play chess. Pleqse wake up and come back to me. When its over it over. And i cant swollow teqrs of regret just bc someone doeant love mw. Youd said you would alwqys love me. Hahahahahha i got my wiah come back philospher. Your edu ated now and can pay for movies without a credir card. You need to repair my body. Think about it. If he brings me back yeah right he signed tge lease only too himself not me. He put me in a paych ward. cant wait to love you.

Unknown said...

My heart hurts a lot a lot of spiritual attacks have happened aince you been gone but im gonna walk in your shoes to get the pain away. I hope you consider looking up my number at my parents and lookong for me. Im never gonna give up on being happy.

Anonymous said...

So it official there was a change of address made to my parents house. Im gonna pay rent to my parents. Im gonna keep saving money wilst i work and then im gonna get usda loan for a home its a 0 down payment for a home. Since weve broken up im not gonna get upset. I just know im free now. Its the first time ive been officiallt evacuated. Maybe i go visit you when i can. Maybe you call my parents house. Maybe we nevwr talk. But i still think we had a small fight. It wqsnt major. We fought over a bottle of frqmbroise bc i drank it. Not bc you didnt love me. Ao maybe you make me smile one day. If we dont we dont. But im at home. And tidying up my room. I thought it would be hard to leave but maybe just maybe im not sad bc you left me this blog to write to you and also bc im well rounded. Im juat a girl and im not about to talk down to myself bc i dont have an expwnaive career. You thought me not to ever talk down to myself but to be peoud in every thing i do. Ao yeah im a nail rechnician. Hopefully i get a full spectrum of hours and also gopefully i soon fit into papya clorhing so i can be the prettiest happiest girl there ever was. I will for you. Bc you told me never to get depressed im practicing everything you taught me. Love you dearly love you true just like elvis song says. Hahaha hahah ypur the handsomest person ever. With your bosenberry colored eyes. Blie saude shoes. Lol if i dont see you ill keep writing but i asked my mom if she would take me ro see you. Maybe but id prefer you call me. Regretion is a lot to swallow at one time. But if someonw ha dsome like you said i was thw pretriest girl ill belive it and wont let anyone else make me feel less than special. Love you again again again.marilyn Xoxo