Monday, January 31, 2011

Do Unto Others

Although the rule is called "golden", every time I hear it I hear it differently. It is easy to agree with something that is stated vaguely. You agree with whatever you would like to have heard.


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Anonymous said...

I just remembered when I was with my first boyfriend I felt raped by Paul always. Like I wouldn't stop crying. Not Paul macartney. Bc Paul macartney is my innocent lovely father. I'm getting ass raped by Paul right now. I can't sleep. It hurts. He's the demon that would rape me. I call him a demon always. I used to think it was men around the house but it's him
In spirit or in satans world where I don't get to be part of it. My ex and I were the white stripes. That's how cute we were.

Anonymous said...

Alex looks like the singer from the yeah yeah yeahs. I met him the year they started making music.

Anonymous said...

I'm also in the yeah yeah yeahs band. That's when I'm super skinny bc of all the crystal fracking meth we did.

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend looks like the other guy in the yeah yeah yeahs.

Anonymous said...

You look like a band mate in fleet foxes. And one of them also looks like this guy who proposed to me before I moved in with my boyfriend. Alex and melody are obsessed with fleet foxes. Melody and Alex are in the band too. Melody in real life is a tom boy slash lesbian. Who the black guy I. The band. The black guy looks like one of my ex best friends. She's that blackish. That's the scariest shit there how I'm not in the picture at all. And how the guy who proposed ro me has bigger hands than you bc in real life it's the other way around. Crystal I s a back stabbed so is melody and Alex. And so are you. The music sucks and is nutty. Like is music to send you to a psych ward. What if your all jealous of my pale skin and all my followers.

Anonymous said...

My favorite singer died. The singer from the cranberries. That's how I know there is all horridness around. I'm
Not even pictures in a band. That wasn't melody in the band. The guy looks like someone I dated in whittier who was enagwes to a stripper and he wanted to leave her for me. He's like a millionaire in real life.

Anonymous said...

Alice cooper scares me. There is lots of witch craft in the 1970's music. My car was a 73 car and it felt like it had many protection talismans.
Melody looks like the singer from fleet wood Mac Stevie nicks. I look like the other woman not always bc my face changes bc I'm fighting Paul off. I met the other woman from that band she talked to me like she knew me. Study rock and roll for real starting from now. I'm a professor from Harvard. That is you right next step student. Your trips across the world scared the living hell out of all my students we didn't think you would go that far to prove me wrong. Ok. I didn't want a genius getting demented bc he stuck too close to the books. You don't understand me yet but one day you will grasshopper.

Anonymous said...

You need to find melody a care package before she kills your favorite wife woman girl friend. Friend. Whatever you call me whenever you're whatever. Man. Find that woman a man so she don't come after me. K there are some creep shows on tv. Remember when we gave up tv. I can't change any handle it anymore. I can't handle tv. I hate being in time. With heidiger it's so creepy.

Anonymous said...

My mom wont let me leave my parents house she says i have to stay here till i get married. I dont know where you are but your running out on me. You apready proposed to me and your nit here. We already got married in the last century we have to get married this century. Your miserable without me anyways. I dont like saying this but since im going on disability ill havs money to spend for retirement. Im not begging you to come back but im being a nice woman now and satying at home. Amd im sorry for not recognizing you before.

Anonymous said...

Your not auther miller nor am i marilyn m. Like really i think society is abusing them bc they wont stop publishing their names. A un dia cuando no pudia ablar de te porque en ese dia no tenia dinero y pensava que mi ivas a dejar por no tener denero. Ahhora penso que tenies mucho orgullo y no puedo decirte que es tener orgullo. Cuanto denero nesesitas para raptar me asi decen los que tenen orgullo. Que si ya no me ves con esos ojos y pensans en como dar me una vida de mujuer. No quiero que me dejas por orgullo. Yo no pensio como pensava en los dias qus te conocie. Yo soy una mujer bene posessiva y me dava mucha encidia cuando te ivas con otras personas tanto que me fue. Ahhora no quero ire me ni tener patas freeas.

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